Nero is a UCI chess engine βοΈ written in Zig that is optimized for bullet and ultra-bullet gamesπ
Some random code I made in order to improve my coding experience in zig.
WIP: VTK ported to zig's build system
GitHub Pages for zigisomaju
Testing for a barebones roc zig platform
Rewrite in Zig of Game of Life
Zig build port of libbf
Learn the β‘Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
Companion source code for the Zig Master YouTube video series.
It is keyboard launcher that written in zig for arch
A simple file watcher in Zig that monitors `.zig` files in a directory and rebuilds the project when changes are detecte...
A UTF-8 string library for Zig with simple API
Testing engine performance in Zig ( playground project )
Learn the β‘Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
learning mq with zig
Zig json parser experiment
zig brainf**k JIT compiler
Zig solutions to tasks
Learn the β‘Zig programming language by fixing tiny broken programs.
lox interpreter in Zig
Writing and building Python extensions with Zig
Todo App with zig and ray lib
an implementation of Robert Nystrom's Lox written in Zig
Jittered backoff implementation in Zig.
Rendering toy in zig with SDL and Vulkan
conways game of life in zig
Cluster membership manager using the SWIM Protocol and Raft's leader election sub-protocol.
zig web frontend framework.
An approach to using the Zig language for embedded systems on STMicroeletronics evaluation boards for 32-bit Core M4 MCU...